All the way to WA - All aboard the Indian Pacific


Day 3 July 26, 2023


It seemed to be a more peaceful night in our corner of the city, which was more conducive to sleep than our first night. Of course, all the walking we did yesterday may have helped with that too.

We woke to more Sydney sunshine and organised ourselves and our bags for the next leg of our adventure, which, as it involves travel on the Indian Pacific, means we have to check our bigger bags onto the luggage car and can only take small carry-on bags on board. This involves some careful planning and judicious packing.

Once organised we checked out and deposited our bags in the lobby for collection later in the morning. We then set off to find Hyde Park for coffee and morning tea. On the way we wandered through the very old Museum Station, which is reminiscent of the London Underground stations. The Foys Department Store takes up the whole block above the station and although now, it houses some government offices, looks largely unoccupied.

Foys was the first department store in Melbourne, selling, as the Sydney building advertises on its walls: flowers, costumes, corsets, mourning, gloves, lace, … The Melbourne store is where Edna and Jack went to purchase all the things they would need for a new baby, on the day they went to Melbourne to view me and decided to take me home, so it was nice to see the still intact Sydney building.

Emerging from the station into Hyde Park, we quickly identified a coffee shop and sat in the sunshine to enjoy our morning tea, before wandering into the Sydney War Memorial. There was much to see in well arranged and documented displays, and a very helpful young man to answer all our questions. The irony of the signs suggesting silent contemplation seemed strangely incongruent with the young employee walking around, asking none too quietly whether anyone had any questions!

It was time to return to Oak’s apartments to collect our bags and check in to the Indian Pacific at Central Station. This done rather quickly and efficiently we were ushered into the Eternity restaurant in the station forecourt. Here we were provided with a rather substantial and tasty finger-food lunch and treated to some sparkling wine, or beverage of choice, before being called for a slightly late boarding at 2:30.

Away on time at 3, we enjoyed views of the Blue Mountains from the lounge car while we waited for dinner. Views of the Blue Mountains disappeared with the setting sun, and we moved into the dining car for the 7:30 dinner sitting. I had a delicious roast chicken roulade for entrée, followed by tender eye fillet steak with leek and baby carrots. Dessert for me was a cheese selection, and a little taste of Wallsy’s banoffee pie.

Tired from the day’s travels we all retired to our cabins early to find our couch had magically transformed into bunk beds. We settled in for a rough night of rocking and rolling on what was apparently the roughest section of track for the journey!

All Aboard!


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