All the way to WA - Castles in the sky

 Day 14, August 6, 2023


Our goal today was Castle Rock in the Porongurup National Park, north of Albany. This huge granite outcrop is home to a unique suspended walkway on the outside of the rock, known as the Granite Skywalk.

After a fairly cold night in our rental accommodation, we were up, and on the road early, bidding farewell to the lovely ocean views through the trees, which was one of the most appealing features of the house.

The drive was pleasant, the day was sunny, and our spirits were high.  We were in the National Park by 10am and launched into the 2km climb to Castle Rock with gusto. It was a relentless climb, through jarrah, marri and karri forest, but the path was clear and featured many steps, albeit irregularly spaced and sized, which did make the going easier.

After about 50 minutes we paused for photos beneath the Balancing Rock and then came to a fork in the road, one branch leading to the lower lookout, where Wallsy opted to stay and soak up the views while the rest of the group forged onwards and upwards to the Skywalk. This was reached by clambering over and through rocks, traversing a narrow canyon and finally climbing a 6m vertical ladder.

We were rewarded by vast panoramic views stretching to Albany on the south coast, and the Stirling Range to the north. We waved to Wallsy on the lower lookout and then after getting our fill of the vista from the top, went down to join him and admire the views from a slightly different perspective.

It was then time to tramp back down the 2km track, smiling and encouraging the eager sightseers we encountered as they headed upwards. All in all, it had taken us a smidgeon over two hours by the time we reached the car.

Next job was to find a spot for some lunch in Albany, which we did thanks to my former work colleague Wendy, who now lives on this beautiful stretch of Western Australian coast. We sought out the Hybla Tavern overlooking Middleton Beach, as she had recommended, and were soon eating our way through yet another delicious meal.

Our accommodation for the night was nearby, so we checked in and established ourselves in our neat little three-bedroom holiday unit. The famous five went to find the National Anzac Centre where they happily filled in the next couple of hours, while I caught up with Wendy.

I was treated to a coffee overlooking Oyster Harbour before a four-wheel-drive trip out to the Albany windfarm with its fantastic hinterland views from the base of turbine 17. We happened to pass a gin distillery on the way back into town, so popped in for a quick taste of a Margaret River pink gin. Guided tour over and the last few months caught up on, Wendy dropped me back at the holiday unit and we said our goodbyes.

A quick walk to the beach was on the cards for the female party members while the men went hunting and gathering dinner ingredients. They dished up another impressive meal and we spent a quiet evening reading, chatting and planning tomorrow’s activities, when we will move on along the coast, hoping to spot some whales en route.

Balancing under balancing rock
Wallsy on lower lookout - me waving up above!
The canyon
The skywalk


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