All the way to WA - To Perth and back

Day 19 August 11, 2023


There comes a point in every holiday when all you want to do is go home, and I am ready to do just that. As much as I have enjoyed seeing and experiencing so many amazing things in Western Australia, it is time. Time to go back to the security and comfort of my own home; time to give the gorgeous Oscar a huge hug and be greeted by his wagging tail. I can see him running up the yard to the side gate as we pull into the driveway now, and I can’t wait.

Today we travelled from Hyden and the remarkable Wave Rock, via the rather unusual Dog Cemetery at Corrigin and the beautiful town of York where we stopped for lunch. York is the oldest inland town in WA having been established in 1835, with its very attractive architecture which speaks to a time of boom, as the last rail stop before the walk to the goldfields. It was also important for its sheep and grain farming, sandalwood, and cattle. We found it to be a busy and interesting hub, a place I would like to visit again and take more time to wander and enjoy.

We arrived at our accommodation in Perth at 3:30 and proceeded to make a plan for tomorrow’s arrival at the airport and return of the hire car.

Wallsy and I enjoyed a sunset walk to the Swan River and then, failing to find anywhere suitable for dinner that had a table available, returned to our room at the Metro Hotel, ordered a room service dinner. Now it is time to do the final pack and juggle to ensure the carry-on luggage meets the weight regulations. We leave for the airport at 7am tomorrow.

If I had to nominate one major highlight of the trip, it would have to be sitting on the rocks at Cheynes Beach watching the whales pass by.

Thanks WA!

Evening walk to the Swan River to farewell Perth

York Town Hall



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