Dreaming of a White Christmas - Day 13

Cruise #2

Well, where to begin ... The good news is we are on our second cruise … the bad news is we are travelling in the wrong direction … but let’s begin at the beginning…

We all had a leisurely morning in Cologne. Check out from the Hotel Excelsior was not until 1300, so we left our bags and set off after breakfast, to visit the last few sights that we wanted to fit in before our departure. The Cathedral was high on most people’s lists, but having visited it yesterday, Wallsy and I walked back along the river to the Chocolate Museum and swing bridge.

Although we didn’t actually want to visit the museum, we enjoyed exploring the precinct and some different  markets with more local produce, with some Christmas themed stalls, but also others, like the woollen products stall, where I purchased some lovely fur-lined gloves for myself, having found my polar fleece gloves lacking when we were in the thick of the snow. While I am confident we have left the snow behind for the rest of this trip, there’s always next time!

After a light lunch in a French café (makes a change from Italian), we rendezvoused  back at the hotel at the agreed time of 2:15, as we were expected at the Railway Station at 2:30 for our transfer to a-rosa Silva – our home for the next 5 nights on the glorious Rhine River. Here, however, things didn’t quite go according to plan. We were broken into two groups outside the Cologne station – one who would be travelling to a-rosa Silva and the other to a-rosa Sena. Eventually, after much waiting, those of us travelling on Silva were checked off on a list and sent in the direction of the white GLOBUS bus around the corner.

As we stood waiting at said bus, another staff member came and told us no, we had to go back to the green FLIX bus that had pulled up in the next block. We dutifully dragged our luggage to that bus only to be told that there was room for our cases, but not for the remaining small group of people, so we left our precious bags with some trepidation, and walked back to our original meeting point outside the station. It was now about an hour since we had assembled here, and while the passing locals were at times quite entertaining, it must be said we were beginning to tire of waiting.

Finally we were told our bus was back and ready for us, so we set off to the dock on the other side of the river, where our ship awaited us. The excursions manager who had met us provided us with briefings in English and seemed happy to accommodate the Australians in their matching Christmas jumpers. We were finally boarded, and settled into our cabins and everything was finally looking up … that was until the news filtered through that the captain needed to brief everyone about some changes to our itinerary!

It became apparent that areas of the southern Rhine region where we were meant to be travelling are experiencing very high-water levels and it is not safe for us to travel there. So, no Rudesheim, Germersheim, Strasbourg, Mainz or Koblenz. None of those classic scenes with majestic castles overlooking the river as we gently float by, wine in hand. Instead, we are to travel the alternative route on the northern Rhine, a more industrial route, taking in Dordrecht in the Netherlands, then Amsterdam, Nijmegen and Dusseldorf before returning to Cologne.

Once again the weather has intervened and flexed its muscles, and impacted on our holiday.

On a positive note, the people seem to be a friendlier bunch than they were on a-rosa Bella; all briefings are given in both German and English, and not as an afterthought; and there was food at dinner that I could eat. I didn’t trouble the chef with enquiries about suitable dishes, as directed prior to boarding, as the poor staff had quite enough going on, trying to pivot, alter the itinerary for the next few days, and deal with unhappy passengers, some of whom apparently opted to disembark. I’ll have a chat to him tomorrow when everything has settled down.

Onwards and upwards - tomorrow is another day.

Wallsy does love a good railway station

Views of the 'wrong' side of the river - Cologne

Warm enough to sit on the sun deck - arosa Silva



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